
Doctor G 3 のメディカル・ポプリ 201009


Gut doi:10.1136/gut.2009.203000
Effect of aspirin and NSAIDs on risk and survival from colorectal cancer
Din, Farhat V N, et al. Institute of Genetics and Molecular Medicine, University of Edinburgh and MRC Human Genetics Unit, Western General Hospital, Edinburgh, UK
Previous studies have shown that aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) lower colorectal cancer (CRC) risk. However, the lowest effective NSAID dose, treatment duration, and effects on survival are not defined. In a large population-based case–control study, we have explored the relationship between NSAID dose and duration, CRC risk and overall CRC-specific survival.
Methods The relationship between NSAID use and CRC risk was examined in 2279 cases and 2907 controls. Subjects completed food-frequency and lifestyle questionnaires. NSAID categories were low-dose aspirin (75 mg), non-aspirin NSAIDs (NA-NSAIDs) and any NSAID. Users were defined as taking >4 tablets/week for >1 month. ORs were calculated by logistic regression models and adjusted for potential confounding factors. Effect of NSAID use on all-cause and CRC-specific mortality was estimated using Logrank tests and Cox's hazard models.
Results In all, 354 cases (15.5%) were taking low-dose aspirin compared to 526 controls (18.1%). Low-dose aspirin use was associated with decreased CRC risk (OR 0.78 95% CI 0.65 to 0.92, p=0.004), evident after 1 year and increasing with duration of use (ptrend=0.004). NA-NSAID and any NSAID use were also inversely associated with CRC. There was no demonstrable effect of NSAIDS on all-cause (HR 1.11, p=0.22, 0.94–1.33) or CRC-specific survival (HR 1.01, p=0.93, 0.83–1.23).
Conclusion This is the first study to demonstrate a protective effect against CRC associated with the lowest dose of aspirin (75 mg per day) after only 5 years use in the general population. NSAID use prior to CRC diagnosis does not influence survival from the disease.
  1. 2010/09/24(金) 23:55:20|
  2. 医療一般


2010年9月24日 提供:共同通信社
年間死者15万5千人減少 肥満対策で、OECD推計

 詳細な分析を希望した日本、イギリス、イタリア、カナダ、メキシコの5カ国につ いて、世界保健機関(WHO)と共同で、肥満対策の効果で今後100年間で慢性疾患による死者数がどのくらい減少するかを推計。

  1. 2010/09/24(金) 23:51:53|
  2. 医療一般


m3.com 9/22 医療ジャーナルアップデート
2010年09月22日 ソース:BMJ
文献:Djulbegovic M et al. Screening for prostate cancer: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. BMJ. 2010; 341:c4543

m3.com 9/21 医療ジャーナルアップデート
2010年09月21日 ソース:BMJ
文献:Vickers AJ et al. Prostate specific antigen concentration at age 60 and death or metastasis from prostate cancer: case-control study. BMJ. 2010; 341:c4521

  1. 2010/09/24(金) 23:48:50|
  2. 医療一般


(読売新聞 青森 2010年9月24日)
2病院 健全化団体に
十和田中央 公立野辺地 再建へ経営改善策 検討

 県内の市町村や一部事務組合が経営する158の公営企業会計の2009年度決算(速報値)で、十和田市立中央病院と野辺地病院が新たに、地方自治 体財政健全化法の定める経営健全化団体への転落が決まったことが、県のまとめでわかった。08年度以前に転落した団体も含めた14会計のうち、6会計を病 院事業が占め、自治体病院の財政状況の厳しさを裏付けた。
 十和田市立中央病院は、08年5月にオープンした新病棟の建設費が経営を圧迫。09年度決算での不良債務は15億4724万円に膨らみ、同比率は 27・8%と基準を上回った。十和田市は同年度末に転落が確実になったのを受け、すでに経営形態の見直しや人件費の削減などを進めており、13年度までに 基準を下回ることを目指している。
 また、野辺地、横浜、六ヶ所の3町村で作る一部事務組合の公立野辺地病院も、脳外科や産科の常勤医が不在になるなど医師不足が影響し、患者数が減 少。収入不足が続いて不良債務は5億8535万円となり、同比率は、08年度決算の11・3%から倍増して23・1%になった。

----- 青森県のドクターバンクには多数の登録があるようなので、経費節減もさることながら人材投入� ��先ではないか?

  1. 2010/09/24(金) 23:47:26|
  2. 自治体病院


Patient-Related Diet and Exercise Counseling: Do Providers' Own Lifestyle Habits Matter?
Michael Howe, et al.
Preventive Cardiology 2010; 13 (4): 180–185

The goal of this research was to evaluate the personal health behaviors of physicians in training and attending physicians in association with patient-related lifestyle counseling. Physicians at a major teaching hospital were surveyed regarding their personal lifestyle behavior, perceived confidence, and frequency of counseling patients regarding lifestyle behaviors. One hundred eighty-three total responses were received. Trainees were more likely to consume fast food and less likely to consume fruits and vegetables than attendings. Attending physicians were more likely to exercise 4 or more days per week and more than 150 minutes per week. Attending physicians were more likely to counsel their patients regarding a healthy diet (70.7% vs 36.3%, P150 minutes per week, being overweight, and reported adequate training in counseling. Only adequate training in counseling was a predictor of strong self-efficacy for counseling in diet. Many physicians lack confidence in their ability to counsel patients regarding lifestyle. Personal behaviors including regular exercise and better training in counseling techniques may improve patient counseling.
Prev Cardiol. 2010;13:180–185.©2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
  1. 2010/09/24(金) 23:41:58|
  2. 医療一般


朝日新聞 新潟 2010年09月24日

 県の資料によると、入院・外来患者数に応じて決まる「必要な医師数」を満たしていない病院の割合は、09年度は� ��24%。06年度の約35%と比べると改善しているが、非常勤医師を加えて必要数を確保している病院の割合が06年度の約41%から、09年度の約51%と高まっており、非常勤医師に頼っているのが実情だ。
 常勤医師の退職は、経営にものしかかる。南魚沼市立城内診療所は、09年4月までは常勤2人� ��非常勤で必要医師数を満たしてきた「病院」だった。しかし常勤1人が退職したことで、「診療所」にせざるを得なくなった。
 県患者・家族団体協議会の永島代表監� �は「常勤医師が確保できないと、病院減にもつながる。身近なところで診療を受けられるよう常勤医師を確保してほしい」と話している。

  1. 2010/09/24(金) 23:36:02|
  2. 医師不足


登録医師3倍強の63人 青森・地域医療支援機構

 登録しているのはUターン、Iターン希望者のほか、県内で9年間の従事義務がある自治医大の卒業生ら。登録者数は当 初の約20人から3倍の63人まで増えた。

河北新報  2010年09月24日金曜日

  1. 2010/09/24(金) 23:34:31|
  2. 医師不足


公立黒川病院 公設民営5年経営安定 職員を効果的に増員

河北新報 9月23日(木)9時46分配信
 公設民営の初年度の2005年度は12億6363万円だったが、09年度は21億4761万円。1日当たりの患者数は、入院患者が70.1人(05年度)から79.3人(09年度)に増え、外来患者も181.2人から201.3人に伸びた。「スタッフの人数を自由に増やせることになったのが大きい」と力丸暘病院� ��理者兼院長は解説する。
 事務組合の負担は、毎年8000万円の運営交付金と、病院建設の起債償還費(09年度約2億 8000万円)。起債は26年度に完済する。医療機器更新など新たな負担は病院側と協議する。
 黒川地域行政事務組合理事長の浅野元大和町長は「必要性を見ながら財政的支援を行っていく。住民挙げて病院の在り方に関心を持ってもらうことも大切」と話している� ��


河北新報  2010年09月23日木曜日

----- つまりは公設公営は公務員法の足かせが病院経営の妨げだったということ。

  1. 2010/09/24(金) 23:32:42|
  2. 自治体病院


「大阪の医師に来てほしい」 北海道赤平から病院の窮状訴え
2010.9.24 01:43
 この ため、3年前に院内に「医師確保対策委員会」を発足。医師住宅の改築・新築を実施する一方、同病院の体験視察会を実施。これまで延べ7人が参加、3人を採用した(現在、残っている医師は1人)。

--- 9月14, 15日には市立赤平総合病院の臨床検査科技師長、東元紀氏が福岡で活動。「九州で僻地離島と北海道への医師リクルート活動」で紹介。

  1. 2010/09/24(金) 23:29:31|
  2. 医師不足

ブティック診療/米国 の内容

September 7th, 2010 by Dr Davis Liu in Better Health Network, Health Policy, Health Tips, News, Opinion
About Concierge Or "Boutique" Medicine
Saving Money and Surviving the Healthcare Crisis
A recent piece in The New York Times wondered if the few patients who can afford to pay for additional attention and access to their primary care doctors in a concierge medicine or boutique medicine practice might be ethical since the extra dollars are used to support the traditional primary care practice that the vast majority of patients currently receive.
Questions you might ask are:
 - What is a concierge medicine or boutique medicine practice?
 - Is it worth the money?
 - Is the care better quality?
 - Is it possible to get similar access and care by doctors not in a concierge or boutique medicine practice?
When you think of a concierge, you think about a fancy hotel staff person who answers questions and speaks various languages, books reservations to restaurants, events, and tours (even sold-out attractions) ― right? The hotel concierge is your insider, someone who possesses intimate knowledge of the city and recommends must-see sites like a true local. You are personally cared for and pampered. Imagine, then, your physician providing the same attentive service.
Indeed, a small and growing number of physicians are offering this concierge care, also known as boutique or retainer medicine. Physicians provide services typically not covered by their traditional health insurance, like annual comprehensive physicals and direct access to their doctors 24 hours a day via home phones, cellphones, and pagers. Other benefits include same day appointments with longer physician face time, little to no waiting time in the lobby, and a focus on preventive care. In some practices, the physician will even accompany a patient to specialty doctor appointments and perform house calls. Sound pretty nice? But beware: this kind of service comes at a price. Patients in boutique or concierge care pay a retainer ranging anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per year.
The concept of boutique care may have started in 1996, when the Seattle Supersonics former team physician wanted to make available to the general public the same level of medical care and attention provided to professional athletes. MD2, the company he founded, provided a spa-like experience to a select few patients who could afford the $10,000 to $20,000 annual retainer fee (in addition to insurance premiums and costs).

New York Times Published: August 26, 2010
Doctor and Patient
Can Concierge Medicine for the Few Benefit the Many?

Earlier this summer a friend revealed that for the last nine years she has been a patient in a concierge, or boutique, primary care practice. For $350 each month, she is guaranteed around-the-clock access to her doctor, appointments within 24 hours of calling, longer office visits and the kind of personalized attention and care coordination she felt was missing with all her previous doctors.
"I love this doctor," she said. "He really knows me."
She recounted the details of a recent emergency room visit when a call from the doctor saved her from an unnecessary CT scan and admission to the hospital. "I feel like I have a doctor who's actually thinking about me and talking to other doctors on my behalf," she added.
But over the course of our conversation, I also discovered that her husband does not share her enthusiasm. He goes to a doctor in a more traditional primary care practice because he's uncomfortable with the idea that those who can afford it get better care, while those who cannot pay do not. "I just don't think it's right," he told me.
The two of them had agreed to disagree.
Agreeing to disagree has been what most of us, doctor and patient, have done since concierge, or retainer, practices first appeared in the mid-1990s. Developed as an alternative to the constraints of traditional practice, this new model allowed doctors to offer more personalized care that in turn increased patient and professional satisfaction. By decreasing the total number of patients seen in an office from well over 2,000 to as few as 500, doctors could offer longer visits, increased and immediate accessibility, personalized coordination of hospital care and, in some cases, even house calls and accompanied visits to specialists. In return for these services, patients would pay retainer fees, ranging from just under $2,000 to as much as $15,000 per year.
By 2003, according to a national survey, the number of doctors practicing concierge medicine numbered fewer than 200. And while critics raised ethical concerns about the "abandonment" of patients left without primary care physicians while their doctors downsized and the creation of a "two-tiered" system that exacerbated disparities in health care access, little was done to address those concerns. These boutique practices were a relatively rare curiosity, and practitioners were left alone.
But over the years and particularly in recent months, the debate about the ethics of concierge doctoring has grown more heated, with more and more physicians unabashedly lining up to take sides. An editorial in the Annals of Internal Medicine this spring, for example, questioned not only the ethics but also the quality of care delivered in such practices. The writer went on to urge other physicians to abandon "the neutrality with which the medical community has addressed" this issue thus far.
A month later, over a hundred doctors at a national meeting eagerly attended an event billed as a debate on the ethics of retainer medicine. But they weren't jostling for places to argue the ethics; they wanted to hear about the experiences of physicians who were already successfully practicing concierge medicine and to solicit advice.
As this issue becomes increasingly divisive, it's hard not to wonder whether it is possible to practice in a way that reconciles concierge medicine with all the ethical concerns.
One group of doctors in Boston believes it is possible. And in an article published this summer in the journal Academic Medicine, they argue that it can be done to the benefit of doctors and all patients, boutique or otherwise.

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